How to Pick a Good Watermelon Every Time: The Best Tips and Tricks

How To Pick A Good Watermelon
  • Learn how to pick a good watermelon every time by following these tips.
  • Picking a good watermelon is important for both your taste and nutrition.
  • Get the best flavor and nutritional value by choosing the right color, texture, and ripeness.
  • See even more Garden articles.

How To Pick a Good Watermelon That Is Ripe And Ready To Eat

How do you pick a good watermelon from the grocery store?

When choosing a watermelon at the store, there are a few things you need to consider in order to ensure you’re getting a sweet and juicy one.

  1. Field Spot: There should also be a creamy yellow spot on the watermelon, which indicates where it rested on the ground while growing and ripening.
  2. Firmness: To test for ripeness, thump the watermelon. It will only tell you how full of water it is. A hollow sound means the watermelon is not ripe, and a dull thud means the watermelon is overripe. The ideal sound is a deep, resonant ‘thunk.’
  3. Uniform: Look for a watermelon that is uniform in shape and has a dull, not shiny, rind.
  4. Heavy: Heft it too—a ripe watermelon will feel heavy for its size.

Once you’ve found the perfect watermelon, take it home and enjoy.

Note: Watermelon is red because it contains lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant. Studies have shown that lycopene may help protect against heart disease and some types of cancer.

How To Pick Perfect Watermelon Infographic
How To Pick Perfect Watermelon Infographic

1. Find The Field Spot

The field spot is where the watermelon sat on the ground as it grew. This yellow belly is a sign that a watermelon is ripe and ready to eat. It’s a yellow spot on the fruit’s surface that becomes visible as it ripens.

Tip: You want to look for a creamy yellow spot and avoid a spot that is white.

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2. Assess Its Firmness

When you’re shopping for a watermelon, look for one that feels firm but not too hard. Gently press down on the watermelon with your thumb. If it gives a little, that’s a good sign that it’s ripe.

A soft watermelon is overripe and a watermelon that is too hard is not ripe yet.

A hard watermelon means it’s ready to eat, but it might not be as sweet as a softer one. A firmer watermelon will also hold its shape better when cut and will last longer in storage.

Tip: Choose a firm watermelon that gives slightly as you press on it with your thumbs.

3. Check For a Uniform Shape

A watermelon that is uniform in shape is a good indication that it’s worth examining. Avoid watermelons that have any soft spots or bruises. These are signs that the fruit is overripe and will not taste as good. Plus, a watermelon with bruises is more likely to spoil quickly.

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4. Look For a Watermelon That Is Heavy For Its Size

When choosing a watermelon, look for one that is heavy for its size. Compare it to others of similar size and choose the heaviest. This means that the watermelon has reached its mature stage and will be tastier than others.

Tip: Watermelons are grown on a vine, so it’s important to check the weight of the fruit to ensure that it’s ripe. A heavy watermelon will have more juice and flavor than a light one.

5. Avoid Watermelons With Bruises or Blemishes

Watermelons are an incredibly popular summer fruit, but if they’re not properly stored or handled, they can end up with bruises or blemishes. These defects make the fruit more susceptible to spoilage and can affect the taste.

Tip: When picking out a watermelon, avoid any with bruises or blemishes. These fruits are more likely to be overripe and will not taste as good.

6. Know When Watermelons Are in Season

Watermelons are typically in season from May to September. This varies depending on where you live, but that’s a general range. If you want the absolute best-tasting watermelon, go for one that’s been in season for at least two weeks. This gives the sugars time to develop properly.

Tip: Did you know watermelons are actually 100% edible?

How Do You Tell If A Watermelon Is Ripe?

Watermelon is ripe when it’s uniform in shape, dull in color, and feels heavy for its size. There should be no soft spots or bruises either. You can also check the bottom of the watermelon for a creamy yellow spot. This is called the field spot and it’s where the watermelon rested on the ground as it ripened.

Tip: Ask your grocer to help you pick a ripe watermelon if you’re unsure.

The Best Way To Store a Watermelon

So you’ve purchased a watermelon, cut it into slices and now want to store it. How do you keep it fresh? Watermelon is best stored in the fridge, in a sealed container, or plastic bag. It will last for several days this way.

When it comes to storing watermelon, the key is to keep it cold. This will prevent the fruit from spoiling and going bad.

To store a watermelon the best way, you should:

  • Cut it into slices or cubes
  • Put it in a sealed container or plastic bag
  • Store it in the fridge
  • Eat it within a few days

Tip: Occasionally remove excess liquid that collects in the storage container to prevent the watermelon from getting mushy.

How To Tell If a Watermelon Is Bad

If you notice any of the following signs on a watermelon, it is probably not going to taste good and should be avoided: soft spots, bruises, cuts, or a sour odor.

Watermelons that are bad will have an off-putting smell, be discolored, or have mushy flesh. If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to throw the fruit away.

A watermelon that is bad will:

  • Have an off-putting smell
  • Be discolored
  • Have mushy flesh

The Nutritional Benefits Of Watermelon

Watermelon is a popular fruit that is high in water and nutrients. Some of the nutritional benefits of watermelon include:

  • It is a good source of vitamins A, C, and K.
  • It contains antioxidants that can protect against free radicals damage to cells.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It helps reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood.

The Best Ways To Eat Watermelon

There are many ways to enjoy watermelon, and each method has its own benefits. You can eat it fresh, frozen, or in a recipe. Here are some tips for the best ways to eat watermelon:

  1. Eat it fresh: The best way to enjoy watermelon is by eating it fresh from the garden or store. This is the healthiest option because you’re getting all of the nutrients and flavor that the fruit has to offer.
  2. Freeze it: Another great way to enjoy watermelon is by freezing it for later use. This allows you to have a healthy snack on the go without having any added sugar or preservatives. Simply chop up your watermelon into small pieces and freeze them in bags or containers for later use.
  3. Use it in recipes: Watermelons can be used in countless recipes, ranging from desserts like ice cream or sorbet to pies, smoothies, cakes, and more.
J.S. Diyhouseskills

I’m J.S., I created and am the content manager at I do the research and write the articles that appear on this website. I’ve learned many household skills during my life and think it’s important to at least know the basics so that you can save yourself time and money… READ FULL BIO >