Buying vs. Renting a Carpet Cleaner: Pros and Cons

Buying vs. Renting Carpet Cleaner

Carpet cleaners are a great way to keep your carpets looking fresh and clean. There are many different types of carpet cleaners to choose from, including renting or buying a machine for the home.

Which is better – buying or renting a carpet cleaner? The answer depends on what you’re looking for, but we’ll discuss the pros and cons of both options below!

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Is renting a carpet cleaner worth it?

When it comes to renting a carpet cleaner, there are several pros to consider.

  1. Renting is often more affordable than buying a machine outright.
  2. Additionally, if you only need the machine for a one-time cleaning job or for occasional use, renting may be a better option.
  3. Carpet cleaners can also be bulky and difficult to store, so if you don’t have a lot of storage space or plan to move the machine around often, renting may be more convenient.

However, there are also some cons to renting.

  1. You may not have as much control over the machine as you would if you bought it.
  2. Additionally, if something goes wrong with the machine while you’re using it, you may be responsible for the repair costs.
  3. When you rent a carpet cleaner, you typically need to return it to the rental company within a certain timeframe – so if you have a big cleaning job, you may need to schedule multiple trips.

How much does it cost to rent a carpet cleaner?

If you choose to rent a carpet cleaner, it will typically cost anywhere from $20-$50/day depending on the machine and how long you need it.

Is buying a carpet cleaner worth it?

When it comes to buying a carpet cleaner, there are several pros to consider as well.

  1. You typically have more control over the machine than you would with a rental.
  2. You can also use it for other cleaning tasks around the home, such as cleaning furniture or windows.
  3. Additionally, if something goes wrong with the machine, you can usually repair it yourself or take it to a technician.
  4. Finally, when you buy a carpet cleaner, you can use it over and over again – so if you have a lot of carpets to clean, it may be more economical in the long run.

However, there are also some cons to buying.

  1. Machines can be expensive – especially if you need a heavy-duty machine for larger cleaning jobs.
  2. Additionally, because you’ll need to store the machine somewhere in your home, it can take up valuable storage space if you don’t have a lot of extra room around the house.
  3. Finally, buying also means that you’re responsible for any repairs or future maintenance needed on the carpet cleaner itself.

How much does a new carpet cleaner cost?

On average, a new carpet cleaner costs around $200-300 – but this can vary greatly based on your needs! Four of Amazon’s top carpet cleaners are listed below, you can see the price for each of them. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

5 things to know about carpet cleaning rentals

  1. If you have a lot of carpets to clean, it may be more economical in the long run to buy a carpet cleaner.
  2. Renting a carpet cleaner is typically more affordable than buying one outright.
  3. You may not have as much control over the machine as you would if you bought it.
  4. You will need to purchase cleaning solution for the machine.
  5. When you rent a carpet cleaner, you typically need to return it to the rental company within a certain timeframe.

Do rented carpet cleaning machines work better than store bought ones?

Not necessarily – it depends on your needs and what type of machine you buy. However, rented machines typically come with a variety of attachments that can make them more versatile for different cleaning tasks.

Additionally, if you have any problems with the machine while you’re using it, the rental company may be able to help you troubleshoot the issue.

How often should I clean my carpets?

The frequency with which you should clean your carpets depends on several factors, including how often you vacuum and what type of traffic the carpets see.

However, it’s generally recommended to clean your carpets at least once a year – more if there are pets or young children in the home.

How to use a carpet cleaning machine?

Here are some tips for using a carpet cleaner machine:

  1. Clean the machine before you use it – this ensures that any residue from previous rentals won’t be transferred to your carpets.
  2. Mix warm water with cleaning solution according to the instructions on the bottle, and fill up the clean tank of the vacuum.
  3. Using low pressure, work in small areas and make overlapping passes over the carpet. Be sure to go over each area at least twice.
  4. Allow the carpets to air dry completely before walking on them.

If you’re using a rental machine, be sure to read the instructions carefully before starting – each machine is different!

How large an area will a carpet cleaner handle?

A carpet cleaner can handle the size of areas that you would normally clean with a vacuum – but the bigger the area, the more time it will take to clean. A bigger machine on one tank might typically clean a 10′ x 12′ area.

Can rented carpet cleaners remove pet stains?

Yes! Both rental and purchased machines can handle pet stains. Carpet cleaner machines are specifically designed for removing tough stains and odors from carpets, so they can definitely tackle any pet messes or other difficult spots on your flooring.

What are some tips for cleaning stairs with a carpet cleaner?

Tips for using a carpet cleaner on stairs are generally the same as for cleaning carpets on a flat surface – but it’s important to be careful when using the machine on stairs, as you don’t want to slip and fall.

Start at the top of the stairs and work your way down, making sure to overlap each pass as you work.

What carpet cleaning shampoo do I use?

Choose a carpet cleaning shampoo that is appropriate for your needs – whether you plan to clean a specific type of carpet or have pets. Some common types include:

#1) For multiple pet households. The best choice will be an enzymatic cleaner, which has bacteria cultures in it that break down the proteins and fats from urine and other messes.

When buying carpet cleaning shampoo, look for ingredients like surfactants (foaming agents) and enzymes.

#2) For regular carpets. The best choice is a neutral or gentle cleaner that won’t strip the color from your flooring – but still has enough power to remove dirt and stains.

If you have young children in the home, make sure to choose an appropriate shampoo for carpets.

#3) Removing pet odors from carpeting. An enzyme cleaner is a great choice – it can help break down the proteins and fats that are causing your furry friend’s accidents in the first place!

Buying vs. renting a carpet cleaner – summary

This article compared buying vs renting a carpet cleaner and if one may be a better option for you. It shared several pros and cons of each option. Both are great options, it just comes down to your specific wants and needs.